Blog Component

This section describes the management of the Blog component.


To configure the Blog component, the administrator should add the component to the assembly or modify it, by clicking on the Configure icon in the Components page.

The administrator through the provided form will be able to configure of the component (e.g. changing its name). The configurations are divided into the Global settings and the Default step settings. It is important to underline that end users will be able to comment the posts if Comments enabled is checked.

Blog Configuration

Post Management

By clicking on the Manage icon in the Components page or the Blog link on the dashboard menu the administrator accesses to the Post management section.

The administrator through this section of the platform will be able to create a new post and to manage the existing ones. In order to create new posts, the administrator should click on the New Post button and providing the post title and the content.


Blog Form

The following actions can be performed on existing posts:

Blog Actions

  • Edit: with this action the administrator can modify the title and content of the post.
  • Folders: with this action the administrator add one or more folders to the post. Moreover, he/she will be able to see, modify or delete the existing ones.
  • Attachments: with this action the administrator add one or more attachments to the post. Moreover, he/she will be able to add the attachment to an existing folder.
  • Delete: with this action the administrator will delete the post and all of the related folders and attachments, if any.