URBANITE Forum is based on Decidim, a participatory democracy platform created by Barcellona City Hall.

This guide is divided into two separate sections:

It's important to underline that this guide gives an overview about the functionalities provided by Decidim platform within URBANITE Project. Please, refer to the official Decidim documentation to have a complete overview of the platform.

Installation Overview

URBANITE’s installation is based on the concept of Assemblies. An Assembly, within Decidim, is used to configure bodies such as Municipal Councils or City Assemblies. To access the platform a user should be registered and should provide valid credentials during the login procedure.

The following assemblies are provided:

  • URBANITE General
  • Amsterdam
  • Bilbao
  • Helsinki
  • Messina


URBANITE General is a public assembly, this means that all the registered user in the platform can access, see its contents, and interact with it, creating comments, debates or proposals. Amsterdam, Bilbao, Helsinki and Messina are private assemblies, this means that the user needs to be invited by the assembly manager to view it and access its contents.


To access the platform a user should be registered and should provide valid credentials during the login procedure. New registered users:

  • By default, will be able to use URBANITE General assembly functionalities
  • Should wait for the invitation of a City Assembly’s Administrator to participate in the city assembly
